Thursday, 12 June 2014

Bucket List Project

Bucket list:
1. Be in New York at Christmas/New Years
2. Study abroad
3. Swim with sharks
4. Travel to Europe
5. Ride a train
6. Volunteer in a developing country
7. Ride an elephant
8. See the northern lights in Alaska
9. Go surfing
10. Donate my hair to cancer
11. Go to the Olympics
12. Make a difference in someone's life
13. Own a cottage
14. Find a secret door
15. Go scuba diving 
16. Go to a "real" haunted house
17. Go commercial fishing with my dad
18. Hit a home run
19. Be more outgoing
20. Finish the Harry potter books
21. Look through a telescope
22. Pay off something for my parents (house, car, etc.)
23. Visit Australia
24. Buy the person behind me coffee/their order
25. Go on an African Safari 
26. Punch someone
27. Adopt a child
28. Go to a music festival
29. Learn not to worry so much 
30. Go on a walk every day, no matter what.
31. Walk on abbey road 
32. Eat galati in Italy 
33. Talk/cry myself out of a ticket
34. Stop bitting my nails
35. See Ellen live
36. Fly in first class
37. Drive on a race track 
38. Learn how to walk properly in heels
39. Let go of a floating lantern
40. Do the walk for the cure
41. Pick pocket someone, just to see if I could get away with it (I'd give it back)
42. Become a teacher
43. Start a family 
44. Ride a cable car in San Francisco
45. Visit Alcatraz 
46. Go to harry potter world 
47. Plant a garden
48. Stand in a waterfall
49. Experience no gravity
50. Learn how to drive standard
51. Go to the White House
52. See an NBA game
53. Go whale watching 
54. Throw a first pitch
55. Visit the Anne Frank house 
56. Visit elephant national park in Thailand
57. Play hide and seek in Ike
58. Hold a snake
My Authors Note: 
Learning about and watching The Buried Life has really made me think about my life decisions. As I was growing up I always wanted to create a bucket list but I would always put really unrealistic things because my little mind didn't totally understand the concept. Now that I do I think I have made good decisions with what I want to do before I die. The items I am most excited about completing would be to cage dive with great white sharks, and to teach abroad. Great white sharks fascinate me and to be able to see them up close would be so incredible. Teaching abroad as well is something I would love to experience. I have heard a lot about programs where beginner teachers travel to Europe to teach English to the Elementary students. This is something I for sure want to complete with in the next 5 years of my life. I think having this project has really made a lot of people realize what they want to do and how sometimes we need to push our limits in order to be satisfied with life, and I think that's a good thing. 


  1. Very interesting items on the list! Good pictures as we'll !!

  2. I like the idea to make your bucket list into a game! Will you actually play it and follow through with the item you landed on? The visuals were great! You guys clearly worked hard
